Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ABC FAIL - Haven't We Seen This Before????

Last night's episode of The Bachelor had me yelling at the TV as my favorite girl, Ali, chose to go back to work instead of staying to fight for Jake. Funny, isn't that what happened last season? Ed left Jillian to go to work and then - surprise! - he reappears and wins it all in the end. Look, ABC, we've already seen that show. It's bad enough that Jake is lamer than lame and can't think of anything more original to say than, "I'm falling for this woman. I can see her as my wife" over and over and over again times infinity. Gag. But, let's be serious: Jake has no taste. How could he? Did you see him say: "Hi, beautiful" when he saw Vienna? Did you hear me? He called VIENNA beautiful (!) - Vienna, who is just the ickiest thing ever (and her trailer-y family? Pass). Plus, the others aren't that much better. Tenley isn't over her ex AT ALL and Gia has those lips that make me want to punch her in the face. And, really, how can all those moms have "Mother's intuition" and know that their daughter is going to marry Jake? Obviously not all of them can (unless he becomes a polygamist, which I suppose is entirely possible. At least it'd be something we haven't seen before on the show). Long story short, ABC, you are a big FAIL to me. Ali shouldn't have left - she was the only redeeming thing about the show. I love her. I love her and Jake together. *Sob*

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