Sunday, February 28, 2010
Animal Sounds
Can I just say how much I love when kids start doing the animal sounds?!? Too. Cute. For. Words. Warning: You might fall in love after watching Miss Ava....I'm just saying.
America's Next Top Model
One Night at the Arc Light....
Seeing Melanie Griffith walking out of a movie last night? Awesome.
Having Melanie Griffith ask us if we were just sitting there waiting (like common stalkers or something??)? FAIL. We weren't even waiting for her....we were just scoping out the scene. How did we know she'd walk out?
Some People Should Be Shot
Here is my view from class today - behind the World's Most Annoying Woman. Remember that kid in class who stuttered and sputtered every time he read allowed and you secretly wished he'd be hit by a car?? She is the adult equivalent of that (only far more annoying because she's stupid and loud. Not a good combination.)
$3.75 For A What?!?
I'm sorry, but unless this cupcake was hand-dipped in gold and magical fairy dust, $3.75 is just WAY too high - I could've made a dozen for less than that at home. Next time I'll just say no.
Adam Says What's Up?
Went to dinner (and perhaps a bit of stalking, er, exploring the city of LA) with the Master of all Celeb Photos, Adam. Sorry the lighting = FAIL
Is It Just Me?
Spotted in the hotel facilities: Is it just me, or does this look more like someone roasting his hands over a baby (aka fire) than a properly labelled diaper changing station?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Testing 1-2-3
Not sure if emailing a video will post it to my, this is a test. This is only a test. :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
California, Here I Come

Pinky's Fandance, Friday Edition
Things I Love
In case you're wondering what's to love in the Land of Pink these days, I reveal the following...
Yesterday I looked up the color pink in Wikipedia for fun. As an example, they had the picture shown above called "girl in pink sweatshrt knitting pink." I thought it was hysterical...if only were crocheting, she could be me. :) Wait, is it me?
Adam is my hero. I am so jealous of his insane ability to get celebrity pictures. He makes my collection look like a bunch of garbage. How did he get this delightful picture of my boyfriend Ben? YUM. Can't wait to see Adam this weekend and learn more from the master. He's my idol.
I thought I wasn't going to get a cover for my new iPhone, but I was a bit protective of every possible scratch and dirt particle...hence, my glorious new pink cover. Isn't it brilliant? :)
I saw this sign on Facebook one day and asked the girl (who I knew from home) if she could make me a pink one. I love the saying and the colors. So cute!

Behold, my latest blanket. I'm taking it to California with me for my friend Katrina's new baby. I love finishing blankets. Now I can start on a super cute pink one for a baby girl. Hooray!
Rio Grande: WIN

Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition
Hello and welcome to Friday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
You know, I used to think Sean William Scott had a touch of the gayface (not that there's anything wrong with that), but now he just look rode hard and put away wet. Is he carrying a purse? FAIL.
Happy 16th birthday to Dakota Fanning, who decided to celebrate the big day by apparently channeling Lindsay Lohan. Don't do it, Dakota! You're better than that.
Has someone called DCFS on Mel B? This has to constitute as some sort of child endangerment - just think of all the ridicule.
Mickey Rourke is the Lindsay Lohan of male celebrities - he just never seems to get it right. Why does he always look homeless, tired, and dirty? I bet he smells. I'm just saying.
Speaking of the Fashion Disaster herself, Lindsay certainly thinks her dress is hot stuff. I'm not sure why she had to steal Christina Aguilera's lipstick to complete the outfit.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Things I Don't Understand
There are several things that I don't currently understand. Being the kind, giving friend that I am, I thought I'd share a few of these random thoughts with you.
Where do I get this button? Do you think my IT department will install it?
I realize I'm going to get some backlash from all the haters for this, but I do NOT know why this guy is idolized. He's creepy. Look at his smile. Is he insane? Sure, his chest looked nice in New Moon, but other than that, his acting skills are seriously lacking and I don't find him interesting or funny. Yeah, I said it.
Where did guys learn this move? Why does every single guy I've ever met have a picture of him posing like this? I don't know any girl that regularly sends out pictures with a cell phone in front of the bathroom mirror. Was there a class in Guy School that I missed?
Kellan Lutz. Ick. I can't even. Why does anyone find him attractive? I think he seems better suited for a clown than some sought after actor.
The new iPad. Isn't this just a bigger version of the iTouch or the iPhone (only you can't make calls)? It seems like one of those huge calculators that people can't see might use.

Apparently when Justin Bieber visited some mall overseas there was such a frenzy that they had to whisk him away and cancel the event. Really? For him? Look, I'm the biggest supporter of girly looking men there is (hello Nick Rhodes), but I don't see the star factor here. The only thing I know for sure is that Justin doesn't have anything on my boyfriend Ricky Schroder.
Best Smelling Celebrity Award
Thomas Ian Nicholas was, hands down, the best smelling celebrity at Sundance this year. He was so nice and adorable that I wanted to put him my pocket and carry him around.
Love him. Apparently he was on the American Pie movies long ago. I don't really care. I just want to look at him and smell his yummy scent.
Bachelor FAIL: Jake Pavelka

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition
Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
What spaceship does Kanye West send his girlfriend back on after their dates? Can he see himself in her reflective jumpsuit?
Ah, the common mistake - having your thigh high slit show off your slip.
Didn't Lorenzo Lamas used to be fairly good looking? I mean, seriously. What the hell happened to him? And why is he marrying someone younger than his children? Definitely a match made in heaven, right?
Oh, Lindsay. You just make it too easy. Leggings AND a lumberjack shirt? Come on.

Oh, Jon Hamm, I love you so. I hear we've got a Roots store in Salt Lake City. I'm just saying.
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