Friday, January 8, 2010

Weekend Plans Full Speed Ahead

My weekend is already booked, which I guess is good. I was going to try to get my place cleaned in anticipation of my boys coming for Sundance shortly, but alas. I suppose that's not to be until next week. After my nose surgery today, I've got plans to meet Heidi for some Sundance planning, then I'm going to a birthday for my True Love's son. Yes, that's right, in case we haven't discussed it before, Hottie Mc Hot Hot is my long lasting true love crush from my first year at Sundance and we've remained friends since. Isn't he yummy delish? Of course, he's got a fabulous partner, Cassie, whom I adore, so it makes it nice for us all to be friends. I'm excited for the little guy's birthday - should be fun! After that, I'm meeting the girls to see Young Victoria - I can't wait. It looks awesome. I'm also planning to see Leap Year and hopefully Sherlock Holmes at some point during the out, movies, here I come! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking that I will also try to get to Leap Year this weekend. I haven't heard of Young Victoria- looking forward to your review as I am sure it will help me see or not see it!
