Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We Interrupt This Sundance.....

Stupid snow. Why does it have to stay? Due to this annoying weather, today's normal Main Street activity was decidedly less than normal. While it's true that the Festival slows down the second week (especially starting on Tuesday), the snow really hurt today. I didn't attend any screenings and wasn't very successful on Main Street....so, alas, my pictures are few and far between today. Still, the awards must go on... Congratulations to Joan Rivers to being the Coolest Find of the Day. Regardless of what you think of her, she really is an icon and it was really great to see her in person. She's really short! Today's Douche of the Day goes out to Tracy Chapman who refuses to take pictures with fans and, in fact, told someone (not me, I won't even ask after all the bad stuff I've heard) not just no, but hell no. Um, WHAT?!!? When exactly did she have a hit? Oh, that's right...a million years ago. Douche. Finally, Shiloh Fernandez wins the yummy newcomer award. He's currently starring in the film Skateland (and most likely my dreams tonight) and I look forward to seeing what he'll do next. As for me, I'm beat down and going to bed. Goodnight.

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