Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thank My Lucky Stars

Actually, my lucky stars came over last night in the form of my cute girls: Betsey, Tracie, and Inge. As we've discussed many many times, the Pink Palace is a disaster zone. In fact, it was so bad I didn't know where to start, which just made it worse. Last week I asked if the girls might possibly be able to come over and help and they gladly (?) came over and helped get me started in the right direction. Do you know what this is? I'd never seen it before, but apparently this is my OVEN. Amazing, right? I just thought it was a big white metal box used for storage. I can't believe it - I actually have counter space (not that I'll use it to cook, but no matter....). I'm so excited. Now, granted, there's still a ways to go, but at least I can break it down into sections: living room, refrigerator, closets, bathroom, bedroom....well, you get the gist. Big thanks to my cute girls for the help! I really appreciate it. :)

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