Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pinky's Fandance, Waitress Edition

Once upon a time before I moved to Utah and started my picture-taking hobby, I had the pleasure of waiting on several celebrities during my many many years as a waitress. The first celebrity I came in contact with was when I was managing a Sizzler restaurant in Paso Robles, California. Of course, I was on break so he wasn't my table, but I did get to talk with Alex Trebek during his meal. After Sizzler I started working as a morning waitress at The Inn at Morro Bay. It was an amazing location and I loved working there. I worked from 6:30 to 2 every day and then brunch on Sundays. One day I was able to wait on Robert Urich and his wife. They were lovely. My next encounter was waiting on Cheryl Ladd and her husband while they were there celebrating their wedding anniversary. We talked for a long time. Really enjoyed waiting on her.
My last celebrity encounter in the restaurant was Meeno Peluce and his father, Frank. For those of you who don't know, Meeno is Soleil-Moon Fry's brother and he also starred on a show called Voyagers in the 70's. I'd just seen his picture in People magazine at Soleil's wedding, so of course I recognized him. I loved talking with him and his dad. We had a great time.

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