Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pinky's Fandance: Top Five Most Surprising Douchebags

AS I've mentioned on numerous occasions, celebrities never cease to amaze me. The ones I think will be my BFFs are the meanest, while the ones I think will be awful are actually quite lovely. Today I thought we'd discuss the Top Five Most Surprising Douchebags.John Cusack was, by far, the biggest surprise to me. I thought he'd be so nice and friendly; instead he was a grumpy curmudgeon who counted down while I took the picture. His exact words, "3-2-1, take your picture." Um, thanks? I have it on good authority that Lloyd Dobler would be horrified by John's behavior.
The next biggest surprise was Kelly "I'm a beyotch" Clarkson. It was from her brief failed encounter that the phrase "Pulled a Kelly Clarkson" was coined - as she completely and totally ignored us and pretended to go spontaneously deaf when I said her name (she was like five feet away, so I know she heard me). I'd forever imagined us meeting and being instant BFFs, but alas, apparently that's not to be.Now, I realize that Josh Lucas isn't actually married to Reese Witherspoon and living in Alabama, but I still thought he was going to be a sweet "aw shucks" kind of Southern gentleman. Wrong on all accounts. When I asked for a picture, he immediately dropped his head like he was having a panic attack. His agent said, "It's not a good time right now." No kidding. Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised by Kirsten "I'm a douchebag" Dunst being rude, but I was. I mean, she was at Sundance with a short film she directed - doesn't that make her automatically nice and friendly? She always seems so cute on film - but apparently she's just a really good actress.
Now, my friends have had a good experience with Ryan Reynolds, but, alas, I did not. The saddest part is that I've been a fan since he was on Two Guys A Girl And A Pizza Place. Yeah, that's how loyal I am. I thought he'd be so awesome - he was engaged to Alanis Morrisette, the coolest chick ever for goodness sakes! Perhaps he'll be back at the festival and prove me wrong?

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