Friday, January 15, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Surprisingly Nice Celebrities Edition

To contrast yesterday's discussion about celebrities I thought would be nice, but turned out to be douchebags, today I thought we'd talk about the celebs I thought would be douchebags, but were surprisingly nice.The most recent, of course, was Norm MacDonald. I really thought he was going to be a big meanie, but he was as sweet as sweet can be (plus he hugged me and called me a cute name). I'm not gonna lie: I may love him a little bit.
Dennis Quaid is such a huge star, I was certain he'd be a jerk. But he posed outside (at night in the cold) with everyone who asked and then made sure I checked the picture and that it was OK. He said, "Is it all right? Do we need another one?" I was so dumbfounded, I think I just muttered that it was fine. So nice!As much as I love Sex and the City and adore SJP, I would've bet money that she was going to be a be-yotch. But she was so friendly and kind. When I asked her for a picture she leaned down and said, "Is this OK? Can I do this?" I was like, "You're SJP, you can do whatever you'd like!" I still want to punch the idiot who stuck his head in the picture behind us.Fuggetaboutit, James Gandolfini isn't a mean mob guy at all. He's a big teddy bear. I'll never forget his response to my picture request: "Sweetheart, in that outfit, you can get whatever you want."
Billy Bob Thornton is just cool. He's got this sort of bad boy/sexy quality that I was certain would translate into douchebaggery. What a pleasant surprise to find him to be one of the nicest people out there. Everyone I talked to said the same thing; so it's nice that he was consistent. He actually left a bar to come out and pose with me. Very cool.

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