Monday, January 18, 2010

Pinky's Fandance, Nice Edition

I thought today we'd discuss the super nice celebrities I've encountered over the years - in fact, let's put a spotlight on the nicest of the nice. I'm forever in debt to James LeGros for a majority of my celeb pics, as he was the first celebrity who showed me it was OK to get a picture with them. It was my first year and I was in the audience freaking out because Robert Redford sat behind me, Mark Ruffalo was a few seats away, and James LeGros was a few rows back. I stood up to take a picture of him and he told me to wait for him after and he'd take a picture with me. This had never occured to me before (except in rare occasions when I was younger, but I kinda just fell into those), but it was genius. Sure enough, after the film was over, I walked into the hallway and there was James waiting for me. SO COOL. We got another picture the next year and he remembered me. I normally don't care if they do or not, but in this case I thought it was incredible.
Another person I met my first year was Matt Damon. To this day, I still think he was the nicest celebrity ever. Not only did we talk for at least ten minutes, but at the end of the conversation he remembered my name and gave me a hat. It must be true love.Ah, my BFF Glenn Close. Such an amazing woman (and actress). I still can't believe she gave me the keys to her car and I drove her and five friends to a premiere (in their car no less). Who has those kinds of days? I want to pinch myself still to be sure it was real.Christi Brinkley is a doll. I can't believe she's in her 50s - she is gorgeous and friendly and kind. Why are all her men such jerks? I don't understand that. We took a few pictures last year and she loved that my name was Pinky. She even complimented our shoes.
John Krasinski easily could've been a douchebag when I met him last year, as he was leaving a film and I caught him right as he was walking out the door, but instead he was super nice. I, of course, was a mess who couldn't find her camera, but he didn't rush me or make me feel stupid at all. Nope, he just waited patiently until I found the camera and then posed with me. Love him.

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