Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pinky's Fandance, Friends Edition

As much as I love Sundance for the celebrities (who, me?), the greatest thing about being involved in the past eight festivals has been the amazing friends I met. I don't know where I'd be without them and can't even imagine having not met them. This was "my crew" during my first year on staff - Michael (my gay husband), Vicki, and Scott. Love these guys.Of course, Sundance wouldn't be complete without "Pinky's Posse" - otherwise known as my super cute boys. It's weird to think I went through a few festivals without our group being as tight-knit as we are now. I love these guys and we have so much fun. They usually come in early and stay at the Pink Palace - the first one arrives tomorrow night. I can't wait! :)
A few years ago, I spent one very long afternoon in line for a Matthew Perry movie. While Matthew never showed up (curses!), I did end up standing next to Hiba and Heidi in line - and the rest is history. It's so refreshing to meet people who were as into celebrity photos as me. Together we're a Triple Threat on the streets! :)

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