Friday, January 8, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Failed Pictures Edition

I've been playing with my new camera and I have to say: I'm a little worried. As I mentioned before, the camera is smarter than me and I'm not sure if it's going to be better or worse than previous cameras. Case in point: It automatically takes your picture when it detects a smile. That's good, right? Well, I'm not so sure. You see, as we all know, I'm a crazy person around celebrities and I'm always smiling. Does that mean the camera will be going off early to capture my insane smile, while the Chosen-Celebrity-of-the-Moment will be forever not ready? I'm nervous! Let's reflect on a few of of my past camera disasters: Laura Linney and me after her premiere. I let someone else take it because they said they could get it to un-blur. Wrong. I forgot to un-zoom. Duh.
Minnie Driver looks super friendly in this picture, which I love. However, she also looks a bit, um, in motion. Wrong camera setting. In the next picture she looks decidedly un-friendly. BooRodrigo Santoro and me waiting in line for a film several years ago. Apparently we were being eaten alive by the Smoke Monster on Lost.Gabourey Sidibe and me at the Closing Party last year. When I first took it, I thought it was bad, but now that I look again, maybe it's not terrible. She's smiling, we're not too fuzzy....perhaps this was a bad example. In the next picture with her, again, not smiling. Apparently one picture is fine, but two crosses the line. My bad.Meeting Zach Braff on Main Street several years ago. Yeah, I don't even know how to explain this one. Sadly, I didn't even realize it until after he was gone. Blurgh. Luckily I saw him again at the end of the Festival and we did a Take Two. That one actually worked. Hooray!
Meg Ryan hating the fact that she could see her face in my camera and turning away at the last minute. WHAT?!?! Look how excited I was. Such a shame. While it's true I did get a picture with my BFF Meg, it's a terrible, awful picture. This would've been cute (except for my insane look - seriously - what is wrong with me?).

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