Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An Open Letter to the Universe

Dear Universe,
As you know, Sundance 2010 is upon us and Pinky Lovejoy is ready to go. Now, I really don't think I ask for too too much in life (only that every thing I surround myself with and touch is pink....), but I would really really really appreciate it if you could somehow put the following people in my path this next week. Please bring them to me. Please let them be nice. Please let me get amazing pictures that I can use for the Greatest Christmas Card Ever (since Duran Duran is going to be hard to beat). I promise I will use your powers for good and do all that I can to be a happy and helpful person over the next few weeks.
With humility and appreciation,
Pinky Lovejoy


  1. God Willing we get all the bitches. Esp. Affleck!! Its happening. Even if I have to fake being trampled by his entorouge to get them to stop.

  2. Crossing my fingers that the Universe heard and fate steps in to give a hand as well! Can't wait for updates and photos. I love sharing Sundance with you via the blog!!
