Friday, January 15, 2010

Migraine, Migraine Go Away

I was hoping it was a passing migraine, but alas, I fear it's hear to stay. I've been working on the World's Worst Spreadsheet all week and I think staring at the numbers all day long have somehow turned my brain to mush. The migraine came on Wednesday afternoon and has been getting worse and worse every day. Last night I went to be at EIGHT and missed my beloved Grey's Anatomy (which should tell you how miserable I was - nothing keeps me away from my show). It really needs to hit the road, as it has rendered me completely useless and unable to function. Once I get home, I'm a sorry sack on the couch or in bed. Hello, doesn't it know I've got an apartment to organize? Luckily the first one of my cute boys doesn't get here until late Sunday night so hopefully I'll have some relief soon and then be able to get things done in two days. Miracles could happen, right?

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