Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Messy, Thy Name is Pinky

So, last night as I was taking the 15th bag of trash out to the dumpster, I was thinking how much nicer it would be if I'd been born with the organization gene. Sadly, when I reflect back, I've always been a bit of a messy person. When I was little and shared a room with my sister, it would drive her bonkers because she, unlike me, is a neat and tidy person. My mother is a neat and tidy person. Conversely, I can turn a room into the site of a hurricane in 0.5 seconds. Seriously, it's some sort of skill. Of course, being a packrat doesn't help matters. I wish I knew where things were or how to keep them organized. Is it something that can be learned? Because I think 36 years of being a big ol' mess is going to be hard habit to break.

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