Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We celebrated McG's birthday McFamily style last night, which means we had ice cream cake (a McFamily favorite), good conversation, and some cheesy TV. Sadly, the cake was a *wee* bit melted, since Pinky was delayed a bit. You see, I was trying to find my super cute Hello Kitty hat that I got in Iowa to show McFamily. But, alas, it was nowhere to be found. I panicked, thinking it'd beem thrown away in the purge, and was beside myself since it's an all-important hat for the fest next week. This was serious business! The last place I remember wearing it was to the theater on Friday, so I called their Lost and Found and had them look for a Hello Kitty hat (I'm sure they thought it was for my non-existent four-year-old daughter, but no matter). When the guy got back on the phone he said, "Is it pink with a bow?" and I said, "YES!" and then he said, "Sorry, we don't have it" and then laughed. Hmmm. Not funny, sir. Not funny at all. Long story short (oops, too late), my Hello Kitty and I have been reunited. Hooray! McP loved the other hat I wore last night and I was able to snuggle cute little Ike for most of the visit. Fun times! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found the hat!! And WAY cute pictures in this post- so fun!
