Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Manic Monday

Today was a low-key day. I'd planned to head up the mountain early, but was unable to wake up (thanks to my fairly serious sleep deprivation). Seriously, it felt like I'd slept for one minute. I did do the radio spot at 7:15 (and I really have no idea if they want more updates.....I guess I'll know more tomorrow), but then went back to bed until my 12:30 shift. After I got off, I met Heidi over at Eccles and we saw Diego Luna's movie. And now, without further adieu, I present today's top pictures (significantly less than normal based on the schedule):Top Adorable Moment: Diego Luna bringing the super cute boys from his film up onstage and then holding them up and hugging them - it was the sweetest thing ever. Douchebag of the Day is presented to Katie Holmes (who was wearing this exact same hat and scarf at her premiere) - being the daily douche entitles her to have the worst picture of her I could find posted. Not only did she not stop for autographs/pictures on the way into the theater, but she didn't do any on the way out either. Yes, that's right, she left the FOUR people waiting outside in 10 degree weather hanging - didn't even acknowledge we were there. Now, why is it OK for TC to do pictures for hours, but his slave wife can't do one?
Biggest Relief: Kevin Kline being nice made my whole night. If he wasn't, I would've been totally heartbroken.
The Why Not Award: I've already got a picture with Paul Dano from years ago, but he was right there. I had to get another one, right?

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