Monday, January 18, 2010

Just a Bundle of Pink Nerves

So, with the eve of Sundance 2010 rapidly approaching, the butterflies in my stomach are growing at warp speed. Whenever I tell people how nervous I get before getting my pictures, no one believes me. Apparently they think I'm made of steel and can breeze up to any superstar and be my happy, cheery self. In reality, I'm big, fat nerd who shakes and quivers and obsesses to no end. I'm SO relieved when each picture is done....and when the festival is over, to tell you the truth. I don't know why this is. I'm nervous because I'm afraid they might say no, but really. Who cares? I keep trying to remind myself that whether I get the picture or not, my life isn't going to change one peep, so why get myself in a frenzy? Wasted energy, right? I need to focus on just having fun. Yep, that's my new motto. Fun fun fun. :)

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