Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How I Spent My Vacation

These past five days in Iowa were, surprisingly, amazing. I had the best time. Seriously. Who knew? Of course, it was filled with all the things I love (including my mom), so how can you beat that? It was the perfect vacation (minus the flying....which still gives me the willies). In case you're wondering what we did, here are a few of the fun activites (in no particular order): Watched a ton of movies - mainly romantic comedies - at night with a big bowl of yummy popcorn.
Shopped - who knew Iowa had such great sales?! 75% off? Mark me down for a yes.Sleeping - I'm not going to lie, I did a whole bunch of this. Apparently I was a lot more tired than I thought.Eating - in addition to my delicious made-to-order breakfast every morning (thanks Mom's kitchen), we spent each evening at a different eatery in downtown Oscaloosa. Yum!
Freezing - at -6 degrees, it was beyond cold. Luckily the tiles in the bathroom floor were heated (my first time experiencing that joy) and we kept bundled up. Brrr!

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