Thursday, January 14, 2010

Doctor Pinky At Your Service

The other day I performed a rather successful surgery on my big toe. Yes, that's right, I had an ingrown toenail and decided to take matters into my own hands and wrangle it out of the depths of pain. I realize there are professionals trained to do such things, but I derive great pleasure in doing weird things myself. Earlier in the year I tried using apple cider vinegar for the warts on my hands. Not successful, but it was worth a shot. I've also tried homemade cures for other, um, less seemly problems (I won't name it, but it rhymes with weast minfection) which were successful. I don't know why I enjoy it so much - perhaps because I feel like I'm "sticking it to the man" by not having to go see a doctor and pay the co-pay (read: I'm cheap). Of course, there are certain things you should leave to the experts - like coloring your hair pink (on accident of course - really!). Do you know how hard it is to get pink out of blonde hair? Trust me, it's not a pretty sight. Over the years, I've learned that hair stuff should be left to the pros, but surgery on my toe? Bring it on.

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