Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cherry Bomb is the Bomb

Wow, did I really just use that as my post title? Scary. I'm pretty sure I've never said something was "the bomb" in my life, but it seemed to work here. (Blogger's disclaimer: The lotion featured to the right is NOT the lotion in question, however it was as close as I could find online). Yesterday at Victoria's Secret I fell in love, once again. Why must they do this to me? They've introduced yet another new scent called Cherry Bomb, which appeals to me for the following reasons: 1) It's called Cherry Bomb and I love cherries 2) It's pink 3) It smells like I imagine the color pink would smell like, so applying it makes me happy. Oh, how I love it so. On another note, when I was looking for pictures of the lotion, I came across this picture: Um. Really? How could you even buy this with a straight face? It's horrible. It's bad enough there's an ice cream bar called "Fat Boy" but fatgirlscrub? FAIL.

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