Sunday, January 17, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Monday Edition

Hello and welcome to Monday's Golden Globes edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. Do you remember the thrift store dress that Molly Ringwald's dad bought her on Pretty in Pink and then she turned it into her Prom dress? How did Diane Kruger get her hands on it?
Can you see the writing on Jennifer Aniston's leg (underneath the slit)? It's a little hard to read from here, but I'm pretty sure it says, "Eat your heart out, Brad."
Can someone please teach Cameron Diaz how to use some facial powder? Her face looks rather.....shiny. Also, that hairstyle is a world of no.
Finally, an outfit of Drew's I can get on board with. She looks amazing.
Did anyone tell Julia Roberts she was going to an awards show? Her dress is cute, it's just extremely casual....or is it just me??

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