Monday, January 18, 2010

The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love

I finally got caught up on the first few episodes of The Bachelor. Are you kidding me with "On the Wings of Love?" When they played the song I threw up a little in my mouth. It was SO cheesy. Still, it's off to a good start. Plenty of drama and really annoying girls. I'm going to sum up my feelings in as few words as possible for the girls below who stood out. Ick. Oh, one more word: Waaa.Sleeze (side note: "My personal life is none of your business?" Sweetie, you're on a dating reality show. Of COURSE it is).Who? Has she even spoken yet? How does she keep getting a rose?Which one is more weird looking? This girl or Vienna?Thank goodness Jake sent this girl packing. Who would EVER say, "You can land your plane on my landing strip" and think that would go over well?!?!Again, who? Seriously, where did she come from? It's like she snuck on the show when no one was looking.Hello, CRAZY. This girl makes that last crazy look like a walk in the park. She's going to go Single White Female, just watch.Bug. Bug. Bugs.I know I'm supposed to like her, but Ella is....I don't know. Something about her doesn't sit well with me. Plus, she's too much like that other Southern belle on Jason's season with the kid.Hello, game player. Now, not having someone kiss you is one thing, but saying that and then telling him what a good kisser you are? That's just wrong. Waaa. Waaaa. Waaaa. Oh, this girl was a world of poor me. Not sorry to see her go at all.
Ali is my favorite. Love her.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all of your comments. And personally- since this season is on track to win the all time CRAZIEST contestants award- I hoping normal Ali wins the prize! (And Double Ick on this season's title!!)
