Thursday, January 7, 2010

2009 - A Year in Review

As much as I’d like to wipe my hands and forget all about the terrible, awful, no-good rotten year that was 2009, I suppose I should have a better attitude and try to be positive. That’s my new mantra – be positive. I’m sick of being so sad all the time…it’s a new year, new beginning, and new me! My mom and I decided that 2010 = the year of K-10 (one of my nicknames). So, in honor of my new positive attitude, I’d like to reflect on my Top Ten of 2009…
10) Winning the jackpot in Mesquite An exciting time for sure, despite the fact that I had no idea what was happening. I thought the machine was broken.
9) Trips As usual, I spent a lot of time in places other than Utah. I went to San Diego in March; Arizona in April; Las Vegas, Reno, and California in July (and back to Cali several times after that); Wyoming in September; Mesquite in October and Iowa in December. Good times had by all.
8) Comedians and musicians and actors in Utah, oh my I couldn’t believe how many awesome and talented people came through Utah this year – especially the comedians. I was thrilled to be able to meet some of my faves.
7) SNL for the Pink From Chris Kattan, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, and Rachel Dratch at Sundance to Norm MacDonald and Kevin Nealon in SLC, this was a great year to meet my faves from my beloved (albeit not nearly as funny as it was) SNL.
6) Celebrities all year long Yes, I know, I seem to be focusing a lot on my celeb stuff, but come on. What else do I have? In place of my non-existent children, the pictures are like my family. Wow, that sounded quite sad. Anyway. Usually I get the majority of my celeb pics at Sundance – and while this was still true last year, I did add a bunch of new ones to my collection during the year. Alyssa Milano, Chris Pine, Chris Noth, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jamie Kennedy, and David Cross to name a few.
5) The rise and fall of AFMF I don’t know why, but lately whenever I think about AFMF (or 28 or Nick, whatever you’d like to call him), I’m left with the feeling that “it was the best of the times, it was the worst of times.” Love him or hate him (I love him, my friends/family all hate him), AFMF had a huge effect on my life this past year – as the first half of the year was spent with him and the second half of the year was spent trying to get over him. For all his flaws (and, really, who doesn’t have flaws?), the biggest thing I took away from the experience was that I finally opened myself up for the first time in forever. Did I get heartbroken? Yes, completely and totally devastated. But, at least I was feeling something and not the numbness that had been in me for so long. I took a chance and learned a lot about myself and relationships. Of course, I’ve still got a lot to learn, but it was definitely something I won’t soon forget. 4) Friends From new friendships rekindled friendships and growing friendships, last year was definitely a time for friends. I needed them more than ever and they were with me every step of the way. In fact, they all earned their "friendship cards," as I wasn’t a very fun person for most of the year. I’m so grateful for everyone in my life – each one brings a special and unique quality to my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
3) Spending time with family
I saw my brother Jay’s family a lot more than usual last year and I loved every minute of it. While inside my heart was breaking, being around kids (especially his adorable kids) was the only thing to cheer me up for the longest time. It’s been awesome to see them. I was lucky to spend time with everyone this year (my sister, my dad, my mom), except Paulie’s family, who I really need to get out and see when the weather improves. As much as I love and adore my friends, there’s nothing that can take the place of family and sometimes a hug or an understanding conversation can do wonders.
2) Sundance
Now, had it not been for the Big Concert, Sundance probably would’ve been my number one spot, as it’s my absolute favorite thing to do in the whole world. Forget the holidays, bring on Sundance. My own personal Christmas. As an added bonus, I was featured in the Sundance Newspaper which was a total thrill. I loved it. This year brought a lot of great pictures – here are a few of my faves.
1) Duran Duran Did you really think there’d be anything else as my number one spot? Come on. Meeting Nick Rhodes (and some of the other members of Duran Duran) is not only my biggest moment of 2009, but it’s probably the biggest event of the entire decade. Seriously. This was something I’ve wanted for 25 years – and at the completion of the goal I couldn’t even calm down. Crying, screaming, being my typical 12-year-old girl self. Hopefully Nick isn’t haunted by my complete and total breakdown. I’m sure he still loves me all the same.

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