Friday, December 18, 2009

A Night with Shmegan

Yesterday was a pretty good day. At work my friend sent me this amazing flamingo bag which will be perfect my crochet stuff (pic to come soon), I got five picture cards in the mail, and a super cute gift from Crusty that she sent from North Carolina. It was a fleece blanket and The Holiday on DVD - with a note that said, "Wrap yourself in this cozy blanket and enjoy a chick flick." How awesome is that? After that I went to see McH at the hospital and meet McBaby for the first time. He is so adorable! Finally, I went over to Shmeg's for dinner and a gift exchange. The greatest part? It was a Snuggie! Alas, two more people have come forward today and said they also got me Snuggies....oops.....
Typically we get together with Crusty around the holidays and have dinner at Olive Garden. Since Crusty abandoned us and moved away, we had to have it without her. For years if someone was missing, we'd take a picture and leave a space for Crusty, this is for you. :) Here's a super cute pic of McBaby!

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