Sunday, December 20, 2009

Movie Mania

After spending the morning watching The Little Mermaid several times with McP, I ventured over to the downtown theater to take in a few movies. First I saw Did You Hear About The Morgans? starring SJP and Hugh (yummy) Grant. I'd been on the fence about seeing this, since it looked fairly predictable, but I do enjoy watching both SJP and Hugh so I took a chance. As expected, the movie was completely predictable, but it was entertaining nonetheless. Hugh played the affable, bumbling Brit (per usual) and SJP was adorable, but stuck her tongue out entirely too much for my liking. Overall, it was cute, but you could probably wait for video.
After that, I made my way over to Up in the Air (don't worry, I paid for both....although I easily could've snuck in) starring George Clooney. I've been hearing such amazing things about this movie; I couldn't wait to see it. I thought I'd have to wait until Christmas Day, but there are already way too many great movies starting on that day, so I was torn over which to see first (Sherlock Holmes? It's Complicated? Christmas Day is going to be a movie-going day for sure!). I was thrilled to see that it started early. If you like George Clooney (and, really, who doesn't?), enjoy intriguing stories which aren't predictable, and great character development, then run, not walk, out to see this film. It's great. I loved it.

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