Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Karaoke and a Cold

Now, I can't be sure, but I think we've discussed the singing group I was in when I first moved here. We were called Vernacular Vernacular and we were kinda rocking (not to brag.....). Hey, it's not everyone who can say they've performed at Pride-a-ho (Gay Pride in Idaho, that is). Anyway. My friend Jinni, who was also in the group, had a birthday last night and wanted everyone to come out to karaoke like the good ol' days. While I wasn't really feeling 100%, I went out for a little bit to make an appearance. It was fun - I sang my signature song ("'Cause I'm a Blonde") and chatted with Jinni for a bit (she's a huge Duran Duran fan, so we were enjoying some Duranie talk).
Sadly, I was kept awake most of the night by an impending sore throat, which is usually the first sign that illness is on its way. Apparently going from California to Utah and back didn't agree with my body (it hates weather changes). Ugh. I'm trying to see how long I'll make it today, but it doesn't look promising. I'm know that all-over-want-to-crawl-in-a-hole type of exhaustion? Yeah, that. Of course, there's a girl who sits across from me at work who's really sick and has been coughing over the wall for the past few days. Coincidence? I think not. At least I don't really have a cough....knock on wood.

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