Saturday, December 12, 2009

Everybody's Fine (but probably crying)

Tonight I went out to dinner with Tracie, Inge, and Amy and then we went to see Everybody's Fine starring Robert DeNiro, Kate Beckinsale, Drew Barrymore, and Sam Rockwell. Unfortunately, our choice of restaurant for dinner (The Old Spaghetti Factory) was packed to the gills, so we had to find another place closer to the theater. It was fun to try something new, but I was all set for Italian. Sigh. From the trailers, I thought the movie was going to be more of a comedy. While I still think it was good, it was quite sad. I don't know how many times I felt like crying. Robert DeNiro is amazing, plain and simple. Of course, I knew that before, but this movie really spotlighted his tender side. I'm glad I saw it, I just didn't know it would break my heart a little bit.

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