Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.I will never tire of the crazed faces of all the Twi-hards in the background of Robert Pattinson's pictures. They bring me great joy.See, Susan, now you're getting the hang of it. Always always always use some sort of prop to cover up your face. This flag, though, should really be covering a little bit more of it. I can still see you.You know, I don't think Elijah Wood is necessarily bad looking at all, but standing next to Josh Duhamel is not doing him any favors. Uh-oh. Angelina must be worried. Why is Jen wearing Brad's hat? Well, at least he's smiling....and doesn't look completely dis-sheveled. Still, is Nic going to be able to stay in my Top Three? It's not looking good.

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