Monday, December 21, 2009

Breaking News: Pinky on the Move

The next few weeks (actually, the entire next month) are bound to be a bit crazy for me. Starting on Wednesday, I'm driving to California to spend Christmas with my Dad. After an enjoyable holiday (check out my positive attitude), I'll be driving back to Utah on the 28th, working on the 29th, and then flying out to....(wait for it).....Iowa on the 30th. Yes, that's right. I'm off to the land of the cows. I don't think I've ever been to Iowa, although it's possible I drove through on the way to Virginia but I don't remember. As my Mom and Mike live there now, I get to be their very first visitor. I totally expect it to look a lot like this:Once I'm back from Iowa, then I start gearing up for Sundance 2010. Can't wait! Exciting times to be had for sure....

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