Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You Might Be Addicted To Facebook If.....

Wahoo! More Facebook fun (are you excited, or what?) You might be addicted to Facebook if....
You cyber-stalk people you are secretly in love with (what, I didn't say that...)
You are married (or in a relationship) on Facebook but not in real life.
You love the News Feed and use it to cyber-stalk people you're secretly in love with.
You cry when someone rejects your friend request.
You look through all the albums which come up on the News Feed
(even people you don't really like).
You go out for a few hours and then return home to compusively check your News Feed.
You update your status more than three times a day (I'm looking at you, McH). :)
When your friends break-up you know about it before they've stopped crying because of the little broken heart which popped up in their News Feed (that you were watching, of course).
You affectionately refer to Facebook as FB.
You compulsively have a blog and make mention of FB anytime you can (oh, crap, that sounds familiar).

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