Monday, November 23, 2009

Yes, I Am 102

When I was growing up we had some great Aunts on my mother's side who would send us masses and masses of crocheted ornaments for our Christmas tree every year. We loved these ornaments and our tree was always covered in them. In fact, my sister and I still have a bunch and put them on our own trees. For the past few years I've been trying to create individual personalized ornaments for my nieces and nephews and always struggle coming up with ideas. The other day I thought, "I should just crochet some ornaments" forgetting, of course, that my great Aunts had this area covered (and were, well, quite old when making them). Apparently, not only am I completely and totally obsessed with crochet (what? You don't say), but now I'm morphing into my great Aunts and hoping to crochet every last thing on earth. Great. Still, I was able to find some fun things online. Of course, I'm terrible at reading patterns, so my ability to make any of these things isn't looking promising, but I'll give it a whirl.

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