Monday, November 23, 2009

Things I Love Tuesday

And now, in no particular order, I present Things I Love Tuesday: 1) The Holiday Cheer Gap Campaign Now, I realize that in about two seconds I'm going to be sick of these commercials running 24 hours a day, but for now it's still fresh enough to make me smile. Have you seen the Holiday Cheer Gap commercial? It's brilliant. It's a bunch of people doing (wait for it...) a cheer - get it? I love it. So festive, creative, and fun.
2) Finishing Long-overdue Projects
Can I just say, once again, how happy I am to have completed my year's worth of scrapbooking? Last night I cleaned up the hurricane in my living room created by weeks and weeks of scrapbooking and it felt wonderful. Of course, now I move on to addressing and mailing my Christmas cards, so I'm far from being project-free, but at least I've completed one big thing. I have a habit of getting into something and then losing interest fairly quickly (hence all the unopened and wide array of various craft projects found all over my place).
3) Finding Lost Treasures
Speaking of unopened craft projects, last night while I was looking for my next book of checks, pens, Christmas stamps, and paint, I came across practically every item I'd need to make stuff for Christmas this year. I could literally not buy a single thing and still have enough and then some for everyone on my list. Why am I such a packrat? I suppose in this case it works in my favor, as I literally found a plethora of things I was just about to go and buy. I love finding lost treasures!

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