Thursday, November 5, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

Welcome to Things I Love Thursday. Here are a few of my recent favorite things:
1) Good TV shows - ABC is really blowing me away this season. Their Comedy Wednesday line-up (with the exception of the terrible Hank) is funnier than anything I've seen in a long time. The Middle, Modern Family, and then Cougar Town? How can you go wrong? I routinely crack up at all three and can't wait to watch them. In the same vein, I watched V last night and OMG it's phenomenal. It's even better than I thought it'd be. You know when you're little and you watch a movie or a show and you thought you understood it, but then you watch it as an adult and realize you somehow watched an entirely different movie? I remembered that I loved V, but forgot that there were aliens masking themselves as humans and having scales under the skin. Wahoo! I'm stoked for this series.2) Yarn. Yes, I know, I'm an 80-year-old woman who loves to crochet. I do. I'm obsessed. I cannot finish this new blanket quickly enough. I have to say, though, that it does bring me a sense of completion. You see, my friend asked me to make her one to buy earlier in the year and I was going to start it, but then The Break-Up occured and I've been paralyzed by my grief ever since (dramatic much?). Completing this one from back then makes me happy. It's almost like The Break-Up didn't happen. Well, almost.
3) A Clean House. Well, a girl can dream. Mine is the worst thing I've ever seen. I need to call some Hoarders or Clean House show to come fix it. Any volunteers for an Organize Pink party? I know, I should've kept it this way from the start, but now it's so far gone I want to shoot myself. Help!

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