Monday, November 2, 2009

Stop Yer Bitchin' Already

So, there's someone I work with who happens to be pissed off about something. Now, believe me, I understand being pissed off at someone, especially at work, but at some point you have got to STOP YER BITCHIN'. This person cannot stop talking about it and has been for the past several days. First thing this morning, this person is right at my desk bitching away (and it has nothing to do with me, nor do I care). I just stared straight ahead the whole time thinking, "And this has to do with me how???" I don't think any work is being done, just constant complaining about the way something was done. The entire time I've been blogging, this person has been talking about it. In fact, the weekend was probably spent milling about it and stewing about it. Who wants to think about work or stupid people at home during the weekend? I'm about to get a muzzle out. I can't take much more of this. And yes, I've made this person's gender vague on purpose. :) Can't be too careful, you know.

1 comment:

  1. It gets very old doesn't it! Just politely say "Can you say anything positive!?" LOL!
