Friday, November 20, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Saturday Edition

After I hung out with McP last night, I made my way over to Wiseguys to watch Bill Dawes perform. Let me just say: Bill was hysterical - he is such a great performer. It was nice that he came and gave me a hug before the show (as we'd met the last time he was here). Considering he'd written on my FB wall and sent me a msg on FB about the show, I figured I should make an appearance. The only bummer was my nosebleed in the middle of the show - it's kind of hard to make it stop when you don't have any tissue and you're sitting smack dab in the middle of the room. Blurgh. Oh, and Bill's girlfriend was ridiculously drunk and sitting in the front row unable to use her "inside voice" - she was disturbing everyone the entire show. Still, I'm glad I went - it was really funny. The only reason my nose bled was because I was laughing so hard! :) Never a bad thing, right?

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