Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nyah's Necklace

Several months ago I was hanging out over at Debra's house and her adorable daughter, Nyah, was trying to confiscate whatever necklace I was wearing at the time. In order to bargain with her to get it back, I promised to make her a pretty pink necklace. Apparently, Debra heard about the necklace day in and day out; I told her I'd send it in the mail, but she said I had to deliver it in person. Tonight I was finally able to do so. I think it turned out super cute. Big thanks to Debra and Jim for the hospitality and delicious dinner. They always make sure to treat me like a very special guest at a fancy restaurant (plus, their steaks are the best!). I'm also excited to try out some craft ideas Debra shared - I've been looking for cute ideas to make for my nieces and nephews for Christmas. I think I'm all set! :)

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