Sunday, November 22, 2009

Movie-going Sunday

Today I rushed out to the theater because I was dying to see a film (sorry, my Twi-hard friends, I didn't see New Moon). An Education was featured at Sundance this year and it was one of the movies that garnered a ton of buzz. It seemed like everyone was talking about it and I really wanted to see it. Unfortunately, I couldn't fit it into my schedule back then, so I made sure to catch it at the local indie theater today. What a great film! Of course, I always enjoy films which have a lot of actors I've met and in this case I've gotten my picture taken with three of the main characters. Score, Pinky! Great acting, intriguing story, and interesting characters were in this film about a girl deciding what her next move will be in life. Carey Mulligan was extraordinary; I think she's going to have a huge career in front her. Check it out if you get the chance!

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