Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just Call Me Ruthie's Imaginary Friend

Tonight I went to (plain old) Sarah's wedding "pre-ception" with Ruthie. While the party itself was nice (especially to see so many old friends), the best part had to be when Ruthie and I were driving to dinner (at Rio Grande...yum!). Apparently she was talking to someone at the party and mentioned she was leaving with Pinky to go to dinner. The person she was talking to didn't know who I was and said, "Who?" Ruthie said, "You know, my friend, Kristen (Pinky)?" The girl then replied, "Oh, she's a real person?" Um, who did she think I was? Ruthie's imaginary friend?? Anyway, regarding the pre-ception, here's a picture of the happy couple. Congrats, Sarah and Bret!

1 comment:

  1. i got on your blog to search for your christmas card (since bret is making wait to open the present) and what to my wondering eyes do appear? how cute is this - thank you! you are one thoughtful woman!
