Saturday, November 7, 2009

How NOT To Start An Exercise Program

This should come as a surprise to, oh, NO ONE, but apparently I can't just start anything slow and easy. Seriously, what is wrong with me? Remember my walking debacle? When I started walking again, instead of taking my time and easing into my routine, I went balls out on the first day and ruined my feet with blisters so badly that I couldn't walk for at least a week. When I started back again, I didn't really stretch and ended up with leg cramps. So, today, after hanging with McP, I decided to start my big swimming routine by doing about 40 laps in the pool over at McFamily's place. That's right, 40. Did I stretch or do anything to ease my body into the sudden activity change? Of course not. I didn't even stick with freestyle or breast stroke. Nope, I just had to do the butterfly stroke, thereby sending my arms into a total tizzy. My body was cramping and pissed five minutes after I left. NOT smart. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and walk around like an 80-year-old!

1 comment:

  1. Hey - at least you know how to swim. Wish (ok maybe not really) I could say the same for myself. :)
