Thursday, November 19, 2009


Wow, I'm a big ol' grouch today. Not sure if it's the lack of sleep or if I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. All I know is that I should be wearing a sign to keep away - speak to me at your own risk. I also just found out my mom won't be coming out this way next week which really bums me out - I haven't seen her in forever and I miss her. I've never lived this far away from her. You know how sometimes you just want a big hug and your mom is the only person who can suit your needs? I think I'm having one of those days. I was supposed to go to the dentist and decided that was going to wreck my day even more, so I rescheduled. Good call, I think. Stupid dentist. He wanted me to be there for an hour and a half for a cleaning. Um, no. I'm gonna pass, m'kay? Of course, to top things off, I had an hourlong bloody nose at work - my day just gets better and better.....blurgh....

1 comment:

  1. I'm living under a rock again. Where is your mom living now? Thought she was in UT?
