Thursday, November 5, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition

Hello and welcome to Friday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Thank you, Jimmy Fallon. I just threw up a little in my mouth.
What have we here? Lindsay making "that face" again? I'm telling you, it's going to freeze that way. I'm not even going to say I told you so (OK, so maybe I am).What the hell happened to my boyfriend Owen's face? Did he get hit on the side of his head by a frying pan?Ah, Matthew. Yes, please. Now, just drop the robe.Brad!!! OMG - what the hell is that? When did you morph into a billy goat? There's a guy at my work who braids his disgusting beard like that and it's the grossest thing I've ever seen. Are you trying to break up with me? WTH?

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