Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Sunday Edition

Tonight I had the pleasure of meeting Lyle Lovett after his concert at Kingsbury Hall. I was a little leery of the set-up, as the tour bus was right outside and there was a bunch of security around. In fact, I almost gave up before I even tried thinking it might be impossible. When as all was said and done, I'm glad I stayed. I knew I'd be able to recognize him from a distance (with his signature hair and all), so I waited a little ways away until he walked out. Lyle was very kind, asked me what my name was, and shook my hand. In fact, after the picture, he kinda fell into me (did he stumble, was he drunk?), but I didn't mind. I have to admit, there was something oddly sexy about him - I think I understand what Julia Roberts found attractive!

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