Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Monday Edition

I was reading an article about the up-and-coming film career of my friend Adam Johnson the other day and figured he'd be a great subject for Fandance today.
I first saw Adam in the movie Charly and then watched him perform stand-up comedy on Latter-Day Night Live. I thought he was adorable. Little did I know he was the brother of my friend Bart Johnson (who I'd met while managing Mrs. Field's Cookies in Provo a million years ago). Bart, as you might remember, was Troy's dad, Coach Bolton, on the High School Musical movies.
Adam actually works up at Sundance every year along with his other brother, Brad, and so I'm able to catch up with them every January. Adam's currently starring in the movie One Good Man that just opened. The picture above is all three Johnson brothers together - I wouldn't be surprised if you see a lot more of them to come.

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