Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Friday Edition

The best part about being fashionably late for the David Cross show the other night was that I had to sneak in and take a seat by a random guy in the back. From the shape of his head, I started to think he might be Todd Glass (another comedian from Last Comic Standing), but I couldn't be sure. Finally, I asked him if he was Todd and sure enough, he was. Wahoo! Apparently he was David's opening act (darnit! I wish I hadn't missed that). I told him I'd met him last year in Vegas when my dad and I went to his show at the Playboy Club.
This picture was taken in the food court before his Vegas show. He's a really funny guy. He starts his act out by asking if he looks like the illegitimate child of John Goodman and Fred Flintstone. Of course, I did get in trouble for taking a picture with him at the show the other night, but no matter. It was worth it.

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