Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda Wednesday Edition

Today's woulda/coulda/shoulda moment may have discussed before, but it still warrants being re-told. Many a year ago, I was at a Dodgers game in LA (I think it was like 1994, so, yeah, a LONG time ago) and I saw Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David (from Pretty Woman) sneak into the game around the sixth inning. Jerry Seinfeld (!!!) Immediately I went over and talked to him and Larry and got their autographs (although, I don't know why, since I don't really care about autographs at all). Larry was incredibly nice. Jerry....not so much.After that, I was obsessed (wait, what? Me?) with getting a picture, but didn't have a camera (surprising, I know). So, I went to some souvenir booth and paid up the ying yang for a crappy disposable camera and went back to Jerry and Larry. Considering Jerry wasn't especially stoked the first time I went over to talk to him, the second time wasn't really pretty at all. He did pose for the picture, though, so that's good. And then I got the heck out of there. Flash forward to a few days later when I read an article about how much Jerry HATES people coming up to him. Oops. My bad. So, why is this a woulda/coulda/shoulda post? Because the stupid camera didn't work and the picture came out all dark like it needed a flash. Not like you could make out images - like the whole thing was black. Nice. My big moment RUINED! Egads. That would've been a good one for the collection. Blurgh.

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