Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Misty Water-Colored Memories

Feeling more nostalgic than usual for Italy, I've been going through some pictures from my trip. Here are a few of my faves:This is me in Venice on the day I flew into Italy. I was really sick, couldn't speak, and had no idea what I was doing. Like the animal print outfit? Of course you do.This is a picture of Filip on the first day we met. I'd only been in Italy for four days - we were together from that point on.This is Via Maffia - the street I lived on. My apartment was on the third floor on the left side, closest to the building. The door straight ahead? That's where I worked. I lived right next door. Convenient!Here's a picture of the living room of my apartment. I had to share it with some stupid 17-year-old girl, but luckily she primarily stayed with her boyfriend (which made it much easier for Filip to stay with me). Speaking of Filip, his favorite past-time after work was to read all my US weekly magazines. He got a kick out of them. Here I am hard at work a few days before I left. Man, I miss that cool hair.

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