Since I was little, I've loved to read magazines. Aside from Highlights (
loved in doctor's offices the world over), the first magazine I remember loving was Mad Magazine.

Of course, now that I'm older I have absolutely no idea what I found entertaining about that magazine, but I certainly got a kick out of it back then.

After Mad Magazine came the influx of every teeny-bop magazine on earth. Special bonus was given if it contained pictures of my beloved Ricky Schroder or Duran Duran (
some things never change). My walls were adorned with pictures lovingly torn out of these magazines and I read them all from cover to cover.

One day, I remember being in the grocery store and my mom suggesting that instead of my teeny-bop magazines, perhaps I should try reading Seventeen magazine. Oh, the horror! Didn't that mean I was growing up? At the time I couldn't even fathom the idea of ending my love affair with the teeny-bop mags and did NOT get the Seventeen magazine (
how could she even suggest such a thing??). Of course, eventually, I did enjoy Seventeen and lost my love for the teeny-bop mags
(just not my love for the people featured inside of them).

From college onward, other than the juicy celebrity rags (
People, US Weekly, etc.), my favorite magazines have been Cosmopolitan and Glamour. In fact, I have a subscription to Glamour right now, which apparently comes along with other magazines...

Namely, Redbook. Last night I looked down and realized I was reading Redbook magazine. Really? Redbook? When did I become 100? Doesn't it seem like such a grown-up magazine? Pretty soon I'll be subscribing to AARP Today or something equally painful. What is happening to me? Not only reading Redbook, but enjoying it? Egads!