Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Who's Your Favorite Princess?

Last night I watched some Disney movie about Ariel's beginning. I thought it'd be interesting, but unfortunately nothing is ever going to beat the original Little Mermaid (of course, it did show what happened to Ariel's mom, which I did find intriguing). Still, it reminded me how much I love Ariel. She's always been my favorite Disney Princess. I don't know why - maybe because she's got such funny friends (Flounder and Sebastian). Maybe it's because I performed on some Little Mermaid float and did a routine in high school to "Under the Sea." Maybe it's because I love a happy ending. OK, OK, you're right - most Disney movies have a happy ending, but for some reason I particularly liked this one. In fact, I like her so much I even have a Little Mermaid tattoo. Don't be jealous. :) So, inquiring minds want to know: Who's your favorite Disney Princess?


  1. I will have to agree with you on this one! Ariel is my favorite! Love the "Little Mermaid" movies! DARLING! ;)
