Monday, September 14, 2009

Twelve Years of Bliss

With Spenser turning 12 the other day, it caused me to reflect upon my past 12 years of being an Auntie. As everyone knows, I love being an Auntie - it's probably my favorite thing in the world (next to Sundance, pink, and flamingos). I completely adore my nieces and nephews and am so happy anytime I get to spend time with them. It's funny to think that for four years there was only Spens...he was our pride and joy and everything he did delighted
us. Then came Phoenix, Max, Owen, Zoey, Deacon, and Ava.
In that time, I've become a certified Pokemon specialist, Disney Princess connoisseur, Kid Craft Master, and had more nails and toes painted with odd colors than I care to remember. I'm so lucky to be a part of these amazing lives. Thinking of them just makes me smile.

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