Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda Thursday Edition

Today's Fandance isn't going to be about a successful photo opportunity, it's going to recount a shoulda/woulda/coulda experience. I thought we'd mix it up a bit by adding this contrast once a week. You know you're excited.
The year: 2002.
The scene: The special party in Benicio Del Toro's honor at the Legacy Lodge.
The set-up: My friend was his designated press rep and arranged a meeting with me and Benicio. However, the only caveat was that they didn't allow cameras (curses!), so I left mine downstairs.
The meeting: Awkward at best. My friend actually had to remind me to breathe (as I'd forgotten) when we were walking over to him. She introduced me to Benicio and he put his arm around me (!) and said, "Where's the camera?!" BLAST! Stupid rules. Obviously I wasn't adept at my pictures yet and didn't sneak a camera in. After he removed his arm, I shook for half and hour and couldn't really stop.
The worst part: Still shaking, I was watching him from across the room (and wishing a camera would magically appear) when somehow my hair caught on fire from a nearby candle. So, Benicio got to smell my burning hair. Classy.
The result: Neverending sadness and regret to not have a picture with my #3 Male Celeb. Of course, that was long before I met Nic Cage or Ricky Schroder (#s 2 and 1, respectively), but it would've been fantastic to get a picture with him. Sigh. Maybe someday. Hear that universe? You may bring him to me anytime.

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